The only child cherished amongst those who pledged state fealty. They bestowed him a gilded chalice of souls spoiled in grandeur and supremacy a nation could possibly house. Born to a software engineer and a CIA special agent, he is named Kaiden Davies. High-born not, but a commoner donned in the noblest of devotion.
full name kaiden davies
nicknames kai, aiden, dave
sex male
gender masculine (pronoun: he/him)
birthplace san francisco, california
birthdate 14th of february
age 25
height 185 cm
weight 71 kg
citizenship u.s. citizen
occupation lobbyist
affiliations aegis defence services, u.s. chamber of commerce (formerly)
Kaiden had learnt to shoulder the repercussions bequeathed by such nationalism and so led a normal life despite being left oft, especially by his mother whose duty is enslaved by that of peril—the nation has never once taken any pity. “To dedicate is not a virtue, it is, by all means, our duty.” Would you still say the same even if the nation were to leave you forevermore, Mother, Dearest?

Gold in his hair and cerulean in his eyes, as though blessed by a gentle touch of Solar Deity, in grace is the heredity framed. They bespeak of the adorability cradled in blood and few privileges preserved in fate. Kaiden is above-average build, lean yet fairly muscular. His skin is infused ivory and of fragility, tender when it comes to touch despite being lodged below a thin layer of androgenic hair. Smeared not with tattoo nor scar, harbouring none of piercing, Kaiden is highly thorough and diligent to take care of his body as it will greatly affect the field he currently enrols in.
Only with decorum shall one find their refuge in society, yet freedom is never one to shackle. Growing up in quite a dissimilitude with children his age, his pre-adulthood dwelled in reminiscence of abandonment solitude donned in the finest of honour. His parents had invariably had enough on their plates. If it were not for the nation, would he be of difference?
WORKING. Kaiden carries savagery in civility and boundless amiability, learning how to put emotions—his outrage wields power on a par with that of a dragon, capable of entombing the entire city in the blink of an eye—under control and developing a forbearance, although it usually shatters the moment he is left alone. Eloquent is speech, yet it refutes none of possibilities that he may reek of either affront or come-on—depending highly upon what situation he is placed in. While deemed as investigative and enterprising, Kaiden sometimes exudes a trait akin to that of a cowboy.
DAY-TO-DAY. Kaiden spares none of time to heed what others feel, as it would result in no particular benefit, and oft behaves arbitrarily. It does not necessarily mean he will be of impudence—generally nice, yet sometimes will be of one’s headache as it is fun to tease and play devil’s advocate (done only if he is in the mood to).
Wrath, due to holding grudges, may be detained in control, yet it will not abstain from attempting to escort him towards the doom.
Food may be the only one he can not feign. He takes quite a great distaste to sweets.
Lawful evil, corrupted, resulted from the unforgivable loss of his mother.
Vulnerability lays in stress management. Kaiden is eager to solve things and that is precisely the hindrance. Speed is but a curse dawning to snitch one's breath and gobble down their view.
An early bird, he relishes the daybreak, the morning dew it nurtured, and the frigidity laid underneath its vault.
Speciality splays upon chess. However, never once has he won against his grandfather.
Kaiden is not the slightest good at doing chores nor is he in possession of capability to handle children. In short, he is not a husband-material.
Speaking in British accent due to being influenced by his father—he is half-British.
A social and anxious smoker.

power 4/5
speed 4/5
stamina 4/5
pain tolerance 4/5
techniques 4/5
combat sense 4/5
Overall, when it comes to combat, Kaiden is described to be well-balanced as he is both good at offence and defending, though he is nowhere near the best. Avoidance usually lays in direct confrontation. Lobbyist, as well as a CIA agent’s only son, should be capable of protecting himself, after all.
firearm proficiency 4/5
Kaiden is in possession of proficiency, capabilities, and knowledge to wield various types of firearms in general. However, it comes not innately, but forged through training. He has keen eyesight and sense, a lobbyist whose skill is on a par with that of professionals.
hand-to-hand combat 3.5/5
Favour rests not upon close combat.
negotiation 4.7/5